AND - The name of my cross

Luke 14:27 “And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”

My cross is named "And"

I am a mother and a missionary.

I carry my children/grandchild AND the mission of Jesus.

Someday one hand pulls and the other pulls too- those are the days I die in between.

I have learned to STAY. Right there. Inside that tension.

Shannon says balance is found when both extremes pull at the same time

I don't always obtain balance- but everyday I reach in both directions.

I rarely feel 'enough'. That's okay. It would be an incorrect assumption anyway.

I love this dance even when I don't get the steps right and I am clumsy. I am also held.

My hands are filled with so much beauty-purpose-mission-hope. I am so blessed.

This is where I die daily, and where everyday I am raised a little more to life.


The Story of God


Act One - The Piano Bench