Boxing Glove - Forgiveness
I stood in a prayer circle with a group of 40 college students from across the country, we had just finished a long weekend of ministry and were about to load into our vehicles for another long drive to somewhere when an abrasive and angry voice burst into the room, “GET OUT OF HERE!” “YOU NEED TO GET OUT!”
I was stunned, instantly angry, and nearly knocked out with discouragement. His words titled our year.
A student mission organization had assembled that team of students to travel to all 50 states to get the spiritual state of the union, my husband and I were two of the leaders, and we experienced the best and the worst of the Church. We were an interruption and an inconvenience and were repeatedly reminded of that.
Boxing Glove - Thankfulness
There was probably a foot of snow on the ground when I pulled into our driveway with my 3 year old son and a mini-van packed with groceries. I was exhausted from the grocery trip to 3 different stores, managing snow covered roads and a 3 year olds attention. I knew it would take many trips from the car to the house to get all the groceries inside and I was weary, my husband was at work and the older kids were at school. I carried my little boy inside and settled him with a plate of lunch and his favorite cartoon, then bundled up to begin the grocery sojourn with a whine in my heart.
I love the story - of Eucharisteo
I am so glad that I have been writing about my love for the story of ROCKY this month, because this week was agony. 2020 was a long fight, and 2021 swung with a near knockout. Is it the 15th round yet? I don’t know. This week was spent in my ‘corner’ trying to catch my breath and regain perspective and determination. I haven’t taken my gloves off, like this pic that I love, in my corner with my bruises and my gloves and my companion and my smile. I will stand back up when the bell rings.
I love the story - of ROCKY
I was 8 years old watching the movie while punching my Dad’s arm, “Why won’t he hit him back Daddy?” A question for the ages.
I have loved Rocky ever since, the underdog who keeps swinging and somehow is still standing when the bell rings...somehow is still standing.
You say ‘somehow’ because Rocky is known for his bruised and swollen face and for going all 15 rounds, for me he has defined endurance and has given me the metaphor for my life. Keep swinging.